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Old 07-15-2014, 10:02 AM   #10
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Re: eBay Ram Horn Manifolds (2 choices)

i just went through this on my 64 C10. Hated the headers, wanted factory rams horn manifolds. Here's what I learned;

1) It's not too terribly hard to find a nice, used LH manifold with 2.5" outlet at a decent price. They came on some Impalas, but the boss for alternator mounting is DIFFERENT than a Corvette, so the Corvette guys haven't bought them all up and driven the prices up.

2) The Corvette guys HAVE bought up all the good RH manifolds with 2.5" outlet, due to the fact that the Impala and Corvette castings are essentially the same. I bought a nice reproduction RH manifold with 2.5" outlet from a place called Crane's Corvette Parts. You really can't tell it apart from a factory casting.

All that said, I did spend more than it sounds like you are wanting to spend. I think I ended up spending about $250 for the pair. I've had them on my truck for several months now, and LOVE them. They sound good, look good, and fit good.
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