Originally Posted by 72step
Is there a point in doing the boards separate? I was thinking of fully assembling the wood floor after sanding the wood with 80 grit and wire wheeling the sill pieces then just getting the whole inside lined. I mean if you get the wood lined first then I'm imagining it would be a pain trying to install it with the thick material screwing over your dado grooves in the wood???--Correct me if I'm wrong?
I did mine individually to seal the edges not allowing rain etc to warp the boards from the side ( mine doesnt sit in a garage ) and allow the product to wrap or encapsulate each piece. A trained spray technician can adjust the thickness and texture of the product on an individual component. The DIY stuff looks great, is rubbery, doesnt withsand heavy use but if it's a light duty hauler and you are not loading anything more than lumber or the occasional carboard box you should be fine. It's kinda like a paint job....you pay for what you get.
I have learned when restoring/fixing up etc trucks cars bikes there is a Golden rule:
I want it fast
I want it cheap
I want it good
You can only pick 2