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Old 07-16-2014, 11:48 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Kennebunkport
Posts: 5
Rear shackle/leaf mounts

Sorry to bug you guys again, but I'm now in need of the rear mounts for the leaf springs. Everyone is telling me that it's easiest to have them made. I'd much rather just buy a set, but that seems like an impossibility. You guys must know what's up....

Ps, I'm a really good stone guy in Maine. As much as I don't know **** about trucks, I know tons about stonework, and am always glad to share my knowledge with anyone who wants to listen. Please check out my website and Facebook page., and the link to my Facebook page is on there. I promise it's worth checking out. I have yet to meet a human being out there, that isn't drawn in some way to stone. Thanks again!!!
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