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Old 07-16-2014, 07:44 PM   #22
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Re: Spray in bedliner on wood?

one problem with coating wood. You need to make sure that the wood is VERY dry to start and then make sure that the liner totally seals the wood. Do this and it works good.

However, if the wood is wet (green wood) or you dont totally seal the wood then the wood can go to mush. Ask me how I know If the wood can get wet, the liner will hold in the moister and the wood will just disintegrate.

I did this once on a camp trailer, I coated the wood underneath and had linoleum on top. Water being tracked in when raining or spilling a drink got into the wood and the liner kept the wood wet. It only lasted one year. The next season I opened it up getting ready for camping season, took two steps into the trailer and fell through the floor. The wood looked like wet sawdust when I started pulling it apart. When I replaced the wood. I coated the wood on all sides and made sure it sealed well. Lasted 8 years before I sold it. Just a word to the wise.
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