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Old 07-20-2014, 01:03 AM   #190
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Re: New member, old 57 3100

Yes they do 79azc10, yes they do.

Greyhound did not receive my new grill parts today. Maybe tomorrow. ROLL ON GREYHOUND!!!!!

Finally installed my reworked steering arms that I received from Sid about a year ago. Also welded up a new tie rod tube and used new Ford 11/16 tie rod ends. Wish I would have installed them a year ago! Bump steer is completely gone, eliminated all together. I think the new tie rod ends made a big improvement as well. Little less steering slop. Hell, I am thinking with a steering box tune up and better front springs this thing would drive pretty tight.

Been wanting a train horn as well. Decided to install the $18 HF three trumpet boat air horn. It is pretty cool. Much louder than a standard car horn but not over the top obnoxious like real train horns. Should work great for stoplight snoozers and driving texters.
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