Originally Posted by OldChevysRule
Well...I finally got to work on the truck again today. Does anyone else's TF truck have all the bolts facing the same direction? It is like the truck was assembled by starting on the driver's side and moving to the passengers side. I didn't accomplish as much as I would have liked to. It seems the more I remove, the more rust and problems I find! I have one fender which is welded in place....ugh! As luck would have it, I am out of small cutting wheels for the dremel and the 4" grinder is too big to reach in there. I read on another forum about removing the steering column....if I recall correctly, there should be a pin that can be knocked out to separate the steering box from the steering shaft. Can somebody clarify or elaborate on that? Thanks.....Jason
Jason: I have the assembly manual for the truck if you want to borrow it. dug