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Old 07-20-2014, 10:18 PM   #21
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Re: Edelbrock carb hard starting

Originally Posted by davbowen View Post
yes, pumps do get old and it wouldn't hurt to install a new one. but edelbrocks are known to suffer from heat soak on hot motors. a spacer will fix that, fixed mine anyway. I believe the gas pressure should be right about 6 psi max. the wood 4hole square bore spacer you got is a good one and will insulated better than plastic at that thickness. you just need to keep the oil/gas/water away from it, it's compressed wood.

let us know how it all works out.
No, it has nothing to do with pumps "getting old"; it's brand new pumps that cause problems. It seems to be common now, which is probably why so many insist that these trucks get really poor fuel economy and that carburetors don't work.

Most recommend 5.5PSI or less for the Carter style carbs. At the least I'd put a gauge on it and check it, and add a regulator if the fuel pump is making over 5.5PSI. Even if it's just making 6-8PSI like many are supposed to, that's really too much. IIRC my father has his @ 4.5PSI.

That said, I'm not saying heat soak may not be the issue for the OP.
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