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Old 07-21-2014, 01:30 PM   #18
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Brisbane Queensland
Posts: 28
Re: To faux-tina or not to faux-tina...

I try to be very open minded on this issue (like Jwheller), but I have to agree with most that faking it just doesn't seem right.... so easy to pick and to me it just lacks something.... (trying hard to not be judgmental!)... I have an original '68 that the paint comes off every time I wash it and the natural patina is no-way even.... Mine has obviously had the doors re-painted to then place a shop logo on it at some time, so it is even more uneven.... It is very interesting when you pull up next to a Faux-Tina with a real one at a show and the conversations that follow between the owners.
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