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Old 07-21-2014, 07:04 PM   #14
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Posts: 48
Re: 99 5.3l in my 70... good engine¿

Specifically the 99's usually has smaller 21 Lbs injectors Vs. the later 24 Lbs injectors on the 2000 up. This would only matter if you wanted to mod it later.

99 and 2000 would have had a fiber type head gasket that are more prone to rotting if the cooling system was not maintained. Some of the early 862 heads would also have a notch on the deck that could only be used with a fiber type replacement head gasket.

If your going to freshen it up any way, the only thing to look for would be that it runs and sounds normal. If the fluids were not maintained, you could have issues. When you take it apart inspect the deck and the cooling passages for excessive corrosion.

And last but not least, walk away if the price isn't right or the deal isn't right. There are to may of these out there.
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