Originally Posted by Ta2Don
Thanks Don !!
She had emails from three levels of management last week to say thank you.
Yesterday she called me from work (very rarely does that) and told me that their national director had just called her to say thank you for making the effort. I am pleased they have noticed this, as you can so easily be forgotten in big companies.
Her next big thing is a charity drive for Macmillan Cancer support.
We already have ideas around a load of clocks and time flying....... watch this space.
This weekend Hannah brought Luca, her Sicillian boyfriend along, and they had collected pallets through the week, which came in the back of his poor abused Golf.
Plans included a spice rack(s) and some other ideas she had neatly written and drawn on a piece of A4 paper. Known as "The Blueprint"
After a good bootfair session on Sunday, and brekkie at McD's as is customary, we headed home and they started preparing for battle.
I took the truck out the garage and up the drive a bit so that I could address all the sheets of ply I had harvested at a local catering equipment factory, being crate sides, they were filled with nails and these were all duly removed.
Hannah decided to start with the cable drum coffee table she wanted to make out of some cable drums I had stashed in the garage rafters.
So they started by sanding it all to a smooth finish, then assembled with 4 small screws (nuts n bolts)
At this point my father in law arrived with Ruby, the retired Greyhound who wanted to help with the sanding as well.
Deciding the undeside had to be a cream colour, she proceeded with that after careful masking off.
In the mean time Luca proceeded to start coating the £3.00 bootfair bargain, Indian marquetry table they had bought as well with what ended up as 5 coats of Danish oil. The life has really been breathed back into what was a tired piece with loads of potential.
At this point the weather changed and it started raining, so play was halted and moved into the garage where the tabletop was coated in 3 coats of quick drying varnish, I have added two more coats yesterday, so 5 coats should see it resisting all the abuse that may be thrown at it.
We love the smell.......
And job done.
Cups for perspective of size.
We never got to the next lot of pallet wood items, but there is always next Sunday, as we will be going on an Alpaca Trek on Saturday, and to visit Robert, the guy I bought the Chevy truck from.
I also want to teach Hannah a bit of welding, and have managed to get some horse shoes through a biking friend, David Slevin, who managed to ride home straight into the eye of a thunder storm with his wife on the back of their new Harley after delivering the horse shoes..... SORRY MATE !!.
She has some ideas of what she wants to make, but I am sure there are loads of things one can make using them.
Post up your ideas, or pics of what you have made before.