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Old 07-22-2014, 09:34 PM   #14
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Re: so i put stripes on

Originally Posted by flashed View Post
I had a 68 Chevelle that had the stripes like that and I was ridiculed because they did not come that way but I liked them .Once you get the lace done to break them up a little I may change my mind . Its your truck and only you have to approve of the mods but I do like the truck overall and my opinion dont count .You may not approve of some of my mods on my truck but its all good ,that is what keeps it all interesting .
exactly we all need to be different or the trucks will look like they came out of a cookie cutter just like i think when guys spend all the money dropping their trucks to the ground i think to myself well why not just buy a car and go hang at taco bell kinda turning a American beauty into a Mexican low rider but that is just me if your going to drive American keep it that way
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