when you cut the spring, you raise the spring rate of the spring thereby creating greater stress on the spring than it was designed around, which will eventually cause it to fail. A spring with a higher spring rate will be wound out of thicker spring steel than the same spring with a softer spring rate. drop it with spindles or buy drop springs. but too much drop with springs will cause alignment issues.
do not drop more than 2" with drop springs. if you want 3" use 2"spindle and 1"spring or 3" spindles. period.
I have had suspension faiulure at high speed. be gald that I am here to tell you this good advice. DO NOT CUT SPRINGS. PERIOD they will fail.
BUT it is your truck, your LIFE, and your money. it is just advice.
The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?