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Old 07-24-2014, 12:12 AM   #1
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60 C10 3 Spped 1st Gear Downshif Scrubs HELP

Hi all,

My 69 C10 (3 speed manual transmission, shifter on the floor/ converted from three on the tree) scrubs when down shifting from 2nd back to 1st gear. The transmission appears to be an original for the 69 C10. The gears also hang from 1st to 2nd frequently. My greatest problem is that I can't down shift to 1st without coming to a stop (if I don't stop, it takes a while and there is a lot of scrubbing).

I recently had both the clutch and flywheel replaced. Is this problem an indication that the transmission needs to be rebuilt. I'm considering a RESTORE of this truck (since the numbers appear to be matching) and I want to keep the original transmission.

So my question is: (1) What would cause this problem ? (2) What action would be required to fix it.

Thanks for your assistance in advance.
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