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Old 07-24-2014, 12:54 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Littleton
Posts: 41
Ol'Yeller! I picked up a '72 GMC, and so it begins!

Found one, and pretty excited about it. I'll be starting a build thread just to keep track of progress but, here's the debut!

I already put a new section of fuel line on to curb a leak, then I spent an hour chipping of 15lbs of dirt from over the trans! It was a glorius night in the garage for sure!

It will get a white cab roof and fresh coat on the bumpers too. Also will be spending some time with the random orbital to see if I can get this banay to shine a little more! Then in the next 3-4 months it will get lowered probably with a 4/6 or may 5/7. For now, the 31x10.5r15's will have to do sooooo, I went to the dirt and blew some doughnuts this morning!

Happy to be back into a truck, and it's nice that 3-4 people have already waived at me or said "cool truck."

Anyway, cheers!


Last edited by MercRising; 07-24-2014 at 12:59 PM.
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