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Old 07-26-2014, 09:30 AM   #1
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58 hood latch question

hey guys, Im over from the 67-72 side with a question for ya. I'm restoring a 58 for a friend of mine that's just about complete. It sat in his garage since 1981 in boxes because he didn't like the color the last painter sprayed it! Anyhow it painted and going back together now, only problem Ive run into is the hood latch. I have the latch that attaches by the radiator but I don't have the catch that goes on the hood, Im curious what it looks like and where I can get one. Lmc doesn't even show anything for it. It could very well be shoved in a box in his garage yet I don't know exactly what I'm looking for! Thanks in advance guys. I know we all love pics so Ill attach a few
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