Ok, it's been a busy few days! Took the fam and their buddies to Schlitterbahn on Friday, I'm now a lovely shade of pink. (owwwww..)
Got up on Sat and hit the yards for some stock wiring and other small misc, got another 1 1/4" swaybar. Had to come home and nap (little sun hangover), got up and got crackin'! Stripped all the dash guts and cluster and wiring, got the core support wiring cleaned up and rewrapped. Got the DBW pedal converted and installed. Cleaned a lot of stuff, got the trans crossmember redrilled for a touch more DS clearance. Got all the bolts and mount bought for the trans, got them assembled and torqued together. Got the mounts and drops cleaned and installed.
Boppa came out Sunday and we started Fabbin' by default, since we still had the room. Got the battery box switched from right to left hand and with the help of Neighbor Jay, got a mount for the computer made up to stash it in the front of the DS Fender a'la Eric's Rusty truck. Yup, gonna run the main harness up the DS front and over as the General intended.
Ran out of welding gas (Dammit!) so have to go get that tonight, but then I have to finish the Puter mount. I'd love to do the Airbox mount, but I can't find the damn airbox!!!! Guess it'll have to wait. Here's your pics!