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Old 07-28-2014, 01:15 PM   #190
Low Elco
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Indep, MO
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Re: Old Yeller's new heart-5.3/4l60 swap!

Dude! We pulled in at 10:06 and half the lot was full and we were the end of a 10 car line at the light! You have to get in to the park first (PITA) then go across the entire place to sign up for your time. We talked to someone who was on the 6th trip down it, she'd been in line outside since 8:30. The list was full for the day in 20 minutes. Anything you have to stand in a regulated line for there sucks ditchwater. Good slides, terrible execution. I was literally standing in line designing a simple proximity sensor and light system to SPEED THIS UP, FOR GOD'S SAKE! ON the plus side, they have a cool rapids river and a really good wave river that are interconnected, so you can go from one side of the park to the other and not get out, and you can walk right in. Lots of fun. 'Course we picked the hottest day of the year with no clouds to speak of, OY, scorchy! Hope your trip's going good!

PS- Thanks for the writeup on the computer mount, it helped a bunch. Put me down for a lens sticker, a decision has been made.
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