Thread: powerglide swap
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Old 07-29-2014, 12:39 PM   #5
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Re: powerglide swap

Originally Posted by Jurassic-1 View Post
Depending on what the turbo 350 is out of they made a short and long shaft. The short shaft should be the same length as the Powerglide. You will need to get a kickdown cable mount that goes on the intake manifold. Depending on the year of your engine and if you have a 2 or 4 barrel carb. as to what bracket you need. The driveline should be fine as will the trans cooler lines and speedometer cable the crossmember should also fit in the original mounts.It should be a one day swap. The turbo 350 will be the same final drive as the Powerglide but you will have 1 more lower gear.
Thanks for the response, I have the long shaft powerglide (just under 28") and just wanted to make sure I won't have to mod the driveshaft. The th350 with the 6" Extension housing or short shaft is the right one. Looks like everything else will go smooth.

Power Glide 25 23/64" Short shaft
Power Glide 27 9/16" Long shaft
TH350 27 11/16" 6" Extension housing
TH350 30 11/16" 9" Extension housing
TH350 33 27/32" 12" Extension housing
1963 Fleet Side cab, Converted Fleet Side Barden bumper, Step Side in the middle.
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