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Old 08-01-2014, 06:42 PM   #28
Joe Pass
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Re: Encasedmetal's 63' GMC stepside build

I had to repair my dash and I wish I had taken it out but I was not wanting to cut it out because of the extra work. I have seen them removed and didn't realize it wasn't all that bad to remove... Have you though of a cheap sandblaster to get in there .? Yeah they are a pain to use and do create a mess but what choices do we have. Even if you removed it, sand blasting it out of the truck would get a nice result. I bought a 99 dollar sand blaster at Tractor Supply and some of their abrasive made from coal slag (Black Diamond) $7 a bag. It was slow and wouldn't want to do anything larger than a part like the dash, but it worked well enough to clean the surface to be treated and primed. Just a thought......Name:  DSCN1616.JPG
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It was also used to clean the inside areas of my door when I patched in the skins The black Diamond abrasive doen't have any silica in it so they claim its not as harmful...used properly
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