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Old 08-01-2014, 09:31 PM   #9
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Re: thinking about selling, your thoughts on regrets?

Originally Posted by Old Truck Man View Post
.the problem with selling stuff is you soon spend the money. and then you don't have the stuff or the money. That's how I became a hoarder. Very few that I sold do I regret. In order to be able to pay cash or the place where I now live I sold a collection of 55 & 56 fords a 1970 Z28 Camaro. several really good chev PKs. and a lot of rare parts. and I don't regret it one bit. The selling allowed us to buy for cash and keep our old place that we owned since 1976 too. We wanted to move to get away from the dust& mud and wear & tear of a gravel road. and when the river flooded we couldn't leave. and when it snowed even a 4 wheel drive has difficulty. I enjoy living on the paved Highway. If your selling because the money is needed to take care of your loved ones or to purchase something to make life better go ahead and sell. make a list of reasons to sell and a list of reasons to keep. Last year I sold my 69 firebird. Spent the money and didn't really make tangible gain from the selling. I regret that sale. The firebird was increasing in value a little bit more every day.
very well said, thanks
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