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Old 08-02-2014, 04:27 PM   #6
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Re: Problem gravity bleeding brakes with new prop valve

Originally Posted by NC67Chev View Post
Trying to put the finishing touches on disc brake conversion today. I'm trying to get the brakes gravity bled, but I can't get any fluid to move at all with the bleeders wide open. I've seen something referring to this button on the front of the prop valve. Do I have to do something with it while I'm gravity bleeding?
On the type of prop /combination valve you have, depressing and holding the button nearest the front brake line should allow your brakes to bleed. There is a piston inside your valve that probably needs to be re-centered. If depressing and holding the front button does not work then it gets a bit more complicated. The piston can be centered by removing the 9/16 in rear cap and pressing the piston all of the way forward. Remove the plastic brake switch contact and use a pick to center the V slot in the piston in the center of the switch port. Re-insert the switch. If it reads "open" with a circuit tester or infinite resistance with an ohm meter it is in the correct location and your brakes will gravity bleed. At this point I usually insert a "centering tool" which holds that piston immobile while you continue bleeding. Performance On Line has one for $ 7.00. It screws into the warning switch port. Be sure to replace the warning switch when you are finished. Good luck
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