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Old 08-03-2014, 11:44 PM   #125
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Re: Project "Class Act"

Originally Posted by Elliot949 View Post
My problem is nothing is even close to fitting especially the wheel houses... I am not even sure how I am going to get them to fit... I am thinking about springing for originals the next time some show up...
Don't know if you're suffering from the same issue I had. I bought a Counterpart bedside from Classic and when I bolted it up, the holes that attached it to the floor lined up just fine. When I went to attach the wheel house, it was off by about 3/4". Assuming any other repop bedside would have the same problem, I cut the area out of the old bedside and grafted it into the new one. I was sure the problem wasn't the wheel house, as it was OEM and had fit the original bed just fine. Hopefully your situation can be solved by exchanging the wheel houses. Fingers crossed!
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