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Old 08-05-2014, 08:32 AM   #215
Low Elco
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Re: Old Yeller's new heart-5.3/4l60 swap!

Vic: You better keep Miss Kathy happy! I can't wait to see the Ford get some love too. That thing is Bad Ass!

Greg: Nope, cut it all with cutoff wheels in the 4 1/2" Dewalt. I just set it in, set the driveshaft in it to check, set the pan down on a 2x4 on the xmember, then leveled the frame and motor in both axis-es (axeeees?). Checked that the trans and rear angles both matched (dead on, got lucky) and climbed in and measured the outers and Boppa laid 'em out and cut 'em. Tacked in the inner and outer uprights, then floated the motor and pulled them out, cut the end caps and finished them. Really wasn't bad at all, and the next morning, it all dropped right together after buzzing off some weld bead on the top.

Update and Hot TIP: Got a ^#$^#$%#$& airbox last night (thanks for the offer Eric) and got a solution for the AC- I can hook about anything I want to the big side no problem. The small side is tucked waaay under there in a tight spot. Eric's Hot Tip- the condenser in a Tahoe has the line coming straight out the side, instead of out the top. Found one on a completely blown apart front clip in the back of a Hoe at the yard, already cut off and everthang! Now I just gotta bodge a few lines together and get them over to Vic for some TIG mastery. Coming along slow but sure!
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