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Old 08-05-2014, 11:38 PM   #22
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Re: Opinions on new logo design

It's a solid start, some suggestions to consider:

- adding contrast between the truck and letters would provide more definition in the logo, maybe a fawn truck with the green lettering
- I see a truck and a boat, does the nose dip a tad too much?
- did you try the 60-66 in the bed and having a wheel well in the front?
- should be '60 - '66, the apostrophe replaces the "19"
- the truck is a cool stylized graphic, but maybe indicate headlights on the front
- Would be interesting to see the Chevy Bow Tie in white or a lighter green, again, it would add some contrast and make the "C" not look like a "G" at 1st glance
- Did you try a version with C-10 –*which totally messes up the design. But, I've never seen it spelled out, so it took a minute to take it in.

Nice job on the layout, looking forward to seeing another round.
My truck ain't dead, it just smells funny.
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