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Old 08-06-2014, 08:38 AM   #220
Low Elco
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Re: Old Yeller's new heart-5.3/4l60 swap!

Yes it is, I'm usually the guy bailing someone out. Feels weird having to ask, but everyone's been so gracious, I really appreciate it. I'm a huge believer in Karma, and things like this are why.

In other news, the hard parts of the fuel system are in and done. I tried to straighten the nylon lines for the fuel, but that went a bit sideways, and I don't need 'em that long, so I'm headed over to Eric's tonight to use his super special plastic line smoncher (that's a technical term, you're welcome) to make some up. If you go yarding for this stuff, pull all the factory line clamps you can intact. They work great! On to the next adventure!

Oh, and I also got my Captain Fab Speedo box kit in last night. He puts out really nice stuff! (Hope I can figure out what the hell to do with it!)
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