Thread: A ARM Studs?
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Old 08-07-2014, 06:26 PM   #7
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Re: A ARM Studs?

Well I ordered some new bolts from LMC and received them today in the mail. I drove the old bolt / stud out and drove the new bolt / stud in. Can somebody please tell me how to get splined washer spacer onto the bolt? I assume I need a press because when I try to start the spacer on the bolt with my BFH in drives the bolt / stud back out of the crossmember. Has anybody ever changed these damn things out? Man what a screw up this has been. PLEASE HELP......... I am tying to install a complete suspension upgrade package from CPP and this one bolt has the whole project stopped. You guys think I need to drop the crossmember and try to press this baby in place? Maybe weld it from the back side? I am kinda thinking that after I get in place it might spin inside the crossmember? Thanks in advance.
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