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Old 08-08-2014, 10:53 PM   #24
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Re: 89 S10 4.3 Need help troubleshooting TBI/IAC Idle issue

The missing grommet is not important. I would just grab one at the U-Pull-It or run without it.

The rubber hose added to your truck would be an easy place to test fuel pressure.

In a shop setting, a guy on each corner works well to lift the box and move it back. I have seen photos of people using a cherry picker to lift the whole box off.

I don't like 2x4s and things that can fall.

If you have a strong garage, some rope up to the rafters works well for removing toppers and boxes.
For those of you that are wondering why you are not getting replies to your thread:
Did you give the model, year, engine, fuel system type, and transmission information?
If it is modified from what came stock from the factory, let us know that too.
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