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Old 08-10-2014, 08:55 AM   #1
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Location: Ontario, Canada
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Temporary graphics makeover for my '62!

Hey guys,
I had the wonderful opportunity to take part in the Alliston Ontario 41st Annual Potato Festival Parade this past Friday evening. My '62 GMC was part of the local GM Dealership entry so I thought a small temporary graphics makeover for my truck to support the Dealership was in order. Those of you who know my truck know that it's done up as a British American Oil service station shop truck, however for this event I came up with a period style "GMC" parts & service" shop truck logo to cover up the BA logo & added the GM dealership info on the stake rails. The other drivers in the dealership convoy insisted I take the lead with my '62, followed by a couple of brand new GMC & Chevy crew cab trucks with a smokin' new Black Camaro at the tail end. My wife and I had an amazing time, perfect evening weather and huge crowds of young and old lining the the streets on the parade route. Great to see the faces on the young kids when they laid their eyes on the '62! Not one to brag but I think the '62 stole the show in our entry. Got tons of thumbs up from the crowd along the route which took about an hour to complete. Going to keep the temporary graphics in hopes I can do it again next year! Had a great time and must extend a big thank you to the Ernie Dean GM dealership for their interest in my '62 being part of their parade entry. I have posted a few pic of the new graphics on my truck along with a few of the staging area just before the parade got started. I hope to get some crowd view shots soon. I must admit, the new GMC shop truck graphics are giving me ideas for a possible future shop truck project
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