Thread: Box frame??
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Old 08-10-2014, 11:23 AM   #11
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Re: Box frame??

My truck makes an honest 500hp to the rear tire. What is that at the crank? Not sure because every drive train eats a different amount of power but I know it is definately less than 700hp at the crank.

With The current combo, I have only ran a semi clean pass with a 52n jet which made 100 additional hp atthe tire. That put my 3200lb truck in the 9's.

With 700hp at the crank and 300 more in the bottle, a properly set up 4000lb truck should be able to click of a 9 second pass. You will need a cage to satisfy the tracks rules.
1/8---6.58 @ 105.92----5.87 @ 118.41
1/4---10.38 @ 126.97----9.24 @ 142.49
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