08-10-2014, 05:31 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: East haven
Posts: 91
Re: How much would you spend
Originally Posted by mechanicalman
You can die just removing those wheels if they are still inflated. If it were me, and I were ready to change the wheels, I'd start by letting the air out of them even before I removed them. I would not even lay my arm across the rim to do that or stand in front of them, I'd ice pick the tires. Stored energy, when released, is easy to underestimate. Have your friend hold his fist 1" from you arm and hit you as hard as he can. Then, have him do the same thing only have another friend hold his arm while he's trying to hit you then let it go. You will get the point.
"Similar incidents have occurred in the past, where split rims blew apart during inflation or as the inflated tyre was being removed from the vehicle. The escaping air pressure is enough to hurl the tyre and rim with great force into the air".
Yupp not even goin to mess with those death traps lol