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Old 08-10-2014, 11:23 PM   #197
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Re: New member, old 57 3100

Alright, I get the suspension almost sorted and my Quadrajet starts acting up. During low idle RPM's it sounds like its cutting out and most times it stumbles on acceleration. I wafted carb cleaner all around looking for vacuum leaks but found none. Still not sold on using a wooden carb spacer.......Decided to open it up.

Found the internal filter was dirty so it was replaced, nothing else looked out of wack. Checked float height and blew out all circuits with air, still acting stupid.

Once I get above 2500-2800 RPM it starts running good, mostly crap below that.

I always think, well what did I do last. I replaced the old 2 port fuel pump with 3 port return style to fix my vapor lock issue. I did replace the inline filter and added insulation but nothing else stands out.

Where are my Quadrajet brethren?

I have also decided my next project will be a 1965 Riviera, maybe I already said?? Anyway, Please enjoy this video, and know my best efforts will fall well short of this mans perfectly executed Satan's Sled!!!
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