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Old 08-13-2014, 09:13 PM   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Berwick, LA
Posts: 33
Installing a Ramjet 350 in my '65 and hit a snag with way starter mounts

I'm preparing to drop a Ramjet 350 into my '65 C10 with 3 speed manual and noticed that the Ramjet engines starter mounts to the block whereas the starter that I pulled off my truck actually mounts to the bell housing.

What do I need to do here? Different bell housing? If so which one?

I pulled the Ramjet out of my '69 vette 4 speed car. The ramjet has a good center force clutch and pressure plate mounted to the flywheel. I'm wondering if this clutch/pressure plate/flywheel will work with my original 3 on the tree transmission?

Thank you for any help and advice!
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