Re: Smoking Issue
could be valve guides and could also be rings. since you state their isn't any smoke on startup that indicates its not valve guides or seals. deceleration going down a long steep grade will create exceptionally high manifold vacuum. that can suck oil past the piston rings & valve guides even if their not worn that much.. If you have excessive puff back (blow by out the oil fill) its a sign that some compression is leaking past the rings. I would suggest pull the valve covers and make shure nothing is plugged. install a PCV system . A PCV don't hurt HP or fuel economy. What is does is revieve crankcase pressure a bit. it removes moisture and combustion gases from the crankcase. it will help keep the engine cleaner. Unless the engine is using excessive oil & fouling plugs I wouldn't worry about smoke after a long deceleration. A PCV system and electronic ignition are two upgrades I will always recommend.