Thread: TX Several NOS Parts
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Old 08-14-2014, 11:24 PM   #1
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Several NOS Parts


These are NOS Items including the Dash Bezel which was professionally cut and Auto Meter Carbon Fiber Ultra Lite Gauges were installed in. Text me for prices 713 906-2748

Update: Prices

RH Dash Trim 225.00 NOS with protective film still on face SOLD

Left A/C Vent 50.00

Headlight Bezels 60.00 84 Chevy SOLD

Grill 245.00 The part number is for the van but the grill has been modified to fit the trucks.

Dash Bezel w/gauges 1200 Auto Meter Carbon Fibre Ultra Lights professionally fitted in the bezel. I paid over 1500.00 Pulled from sale.

A/C control switch 250.00 This is OEM NOS GM I paid 400.00

Black Plastic Carpet Sill Covers 75.00

Ok guys the Dash Bezel will not be for sale any longer for I have decided to go ahead and install it in my 83. It is deserving of a nice truck and Im sinking a 502 in it in a few days so I will have a almost new dash and gauges with only 26k miles on it from my survivor truck for sale. The dash Bezel is near perfect and gauges as well. I will be asking 400.00 for the set and I promise it will be well worth the purchase.

Last edited by mrblalock66; 08-17-2014 at 10:23 PM. Reason: Prices
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