Originally Posted by Dave67
With my tail light filler, I can't run a vented cap. I bought a small tank vent for a motorcycle, but I notice I can blow air both ways through it. Shouldn't it block air form one direction? I figure it should let air in the tank, but block gas from spilling out. What am I missing?
We just finished putting a Northstar in a '48 Cadillac. Drilled a hole in tank near sender-opening--where we could tighten jamb nut from inside tank--used a fitting from Lowe's for a tank: water? air? I dunno, just looked like what we needed. Ran a fuel hose from fitting up high into wheel well, & fastened a plastic, see-thru filter(about 2" in diam.) into end of hose & secured to inner fender. Filter must've been for a big truck/tractor, going by size of opening. Try to run a 1/2-inch fitting/hose, at least. Really think ours was bigger than 1/2!