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Old 08-19-2014, 02:54 PM   #937
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Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window

Dan, I didn't know you were dumping the C4 deal for am MII. What's up with that? You're giving up a lot there in terms of driveabilty, handling, serviceability, brakes. There's boatloads of upgrade stuff available whether it's eye-candy or hard core handling.

Our trucks are much heavier and have a significantly higher center of gravity than the old MII. I never could get myself to feel good about stuffing a compact car front under there. That's why I ended up with a Gen2 Camaro front and C4 rear. I'm an old dirt track racer and have beaten the you-know-what out of those Camaro clips for decades. I have a lot of faith in their strength and the suspension geometry is known good.

Think about it this way: If you had to drive 1000 miles of non freeway roads and had a choice of a MII or a C4 Vette which car would you take?
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