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Old 08-20-2014, 05:49 PM   #23
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Re: Walter DeWayne...Walt for short

Well, it's been awhile since I've done anything related to ole Walt because of the newest acquisition, Chubby. But I did get over to the Fastenal store and pick up my PB front dropmember pieces & parts. Looks like everything is there, but the balljoints and CPP modular spindles aren't the '73 up pieces I was told , so I guess I'll have to sell the spindles and buy new balljoints. I'm going to use my McGaughy big brake spindles as I don't need the extra narrow"ness" of the CPP spindles with the 1" narrower PB control arms. I was going to use them on another project, but oh well.

Just a funny picture of my pickup vehicle... My wife drove my truck to work today, so I made do
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1968 Chevy SWB Fleet... Walt

1963-1/2 Ford Falcon Futura...Martha
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