If you're not worried about originallity, I would make it the way you want. I like that shade of blue. My body guy said I could find a paint code of any car and it can be duplicated. Check out the late model Covrette Jet Stream blue. Just make sure you look at the paint in sunlight, shade and inside to make sure its what you like.
Line-X will color match and has a great UV protection option. Not sure about Rhino. I had my entire 72 Blazer sprayed with Line-X, inside and out. Check out my signature for the link to my build thread.
Interior, since you have buckets, I would recover them with white leather(vinyl) and keep the blue/white plaid Highlander pattern for the centers. There are a few vendors that offer seat covers but also get a couple quotes from a local shop to make them.
Plan B would be some nice aftermarket suspension seats but that costs more and you may want to change the seat color anyway...
It all depends on your plans for the truck.