Had a bake sale/lemonade stand/sno cone stand last Saturday at our local Walmart, and raised nearly $750!!! And, school has started, so in a couple of weeks, I will contact the instructors and talk about the plan for the project this school year. 198plus, I will go to our local auto paint store and choose a color, and let you know (along with a time frame of when we need the paint); CRGR, do you have the "Zane's Ride" emblem for the glove box? When I talk to the instructors, I will find out how the engine remachine/rebuild looks (done at a local machine shop), and hopefully have pics. Thanks, everyone!
'Zane's Ride', a fundraiser to benefit Make-A-Wish Alaska in honor of my son Zane. I miss you, sweetheart! Zane Jacobsen, 9/1992-12/2011