Re: Rectangular Body Mounts
Capt. I see that Ethyl has been seen wandering through your area.
I just checked with Classic industries as they seemed to be the last of who was stocking them. their new catalogue doesn't seem to show anything. a phone call to them may help.
they don't seem to want to deal with Canadians as they don't show any phone nbrs and their 800# doesn't work here. there are some anal companies down the that don't appreciate our money
CP-Anderson Rubber use to have this really heavy 3/4" black sheet rubber that would be ideal for making them. there is a local dealer(70 mi. away) but the person that answers the phone didn't seem inclined to get off his backside and look into it. my brother used to buy it from them there 25 years ago , but I can't ask him because he ain't around anymore. I have enough for my own use. I will supply a picture of it later. they wouldn't be that hard to reproduce except for how to bond the rubber to the steel and I have thought of a way to get around that