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Old 08-30-2014, 03:31 PM   #9
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Re: Rectangular Body Mounts

Originally Posted by GVDobler View Post
Would the kit for the 67+ work?

part#14149G $149.95

Why would they have to be rectangular shape?

My 66 GMC has round body mounts, and I can say that nothing has ever be fixed or repaired on mine.
they have been selling those for quite a while but did not show up when I did a search there the other day(unless you look thru the cataloque they may show up as may the rectangular
actually the rectangular have been used right up into about 2002 blazers but have been discontinued
why rectangular I suppose would be surface contact - load bearing vs the round as the just sit on top of the frame for most of them. mind you the rectangular are rubber and the round ones are polyurethane. they do use them top and bottom of the frame flange.. the rectangular ones have mainly flattened over the years
now when you state that you have round in yours are to referring just to the front body insulators or the other 16 insulators required for the rear
I don't know how those polyurethane insulators will be for squeaking. no one has ever said a word about them
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