Thread: hood damage !!
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Old 08-31-2014, 09:34 AM   #4
T-P Auto
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Re: hood damage !!

Hello everyone;

Thanks to;
Old Crow;

The reason I was asking about the hood split is that I have done most of the work by myself.
It just looks easyer to handle as two different pieces.
I understand about keeping the shape to work with also.
With my set up of the cab being only 2" off the frame, I had though about the pie cut both ways top to bottom to drop the hood slsnt but also to pie cut the nose in at the front.
I'm not sure that I will be able to do the hose cut in due to the radiator I'm useing.
MSTaintg - your truch looks like it is close to the same color as what I'm working with.
It has given me some ideal what mine will look like once I get the hood n fenders repaired n reinstalled.
How much of a pie cut did you do to your hood?
How much trouble was it to do?
Do you think One person could do it by himself?

T-P Auto
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