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Old 08-31-2014, 10:15 PM   #1
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Smile what space-saver for '71-up Chevrolet C10

Looking for a small spare for my pickup with a 1971 front end, and need to know what to ask for when calling junk yards.

I feel sure there were some donuts made, like for bigger GM sedans. Can recall a 1984 Regency--last year for rwd--carried like a 15-inch doughnut as the spare for the car which had 14-inch wheels/tires on it when we bo't it new.

Just found a 16-inch donut with a dual bolt pattern within tolerable driving distance, but the elder gentleman has no idea what it fits. Said he bo't it a while back for a 'hopeful' spare for his 200??? Jeep, but calipers blocked it from even getting the lug-holes to the lug-bolts. [No chance in getting him to measure distances to determine its pattern.]

I'm hoping someone on here knows if GM made such dual-bolt patterns with one of them being 5 on 5" that will clear our calipers?

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