Originally Posted by MikeN
Welcome to the wonderful world of drum brakes!!!
It's not only a front vs rear problem. If the shoes aren't adjusted perfectly, the right front can grab harder than the left front, or vice-versa. Once you've driven a modern vehicle, these old drum brake vehicles are an adventure. i don't drive my truck the same way I drive modern vehicles. I never get close behind anyone, and I'm a lot more careful and watchful of other vehicles. My drum brakes function normally...the technology is just not up to modern standards.
I disagree; pulling hard to one side is certainly a problem (I explained why in a previous post).
It's a hydraulic system; a loosely adjusted wheel just means you have to displace more fluid before the shoes all make contact and you start building pressure.
My trucks with good shoes and drums stop well and don't pull to one side.
I'm actually planning to do some 60-0 tests one of these days...