Re: I can't get my truck to run!
That sintered bronze filter is pretty good. A solid steel line between the fuel pump & carb is best & safest. Rubber lines and external filter under pressure are fire hazzards. The spring goes behind the filter and the cone towards the front. I like to convert to electronic ignition. Points have a difficult job with resistor spark plugs & todays gas. I would go ahead and get a carb kit and rework the carb. I once had a 61 with a bad gas tank. We installed a known good tank. Kept stopping up the bronze filter. After a time it quit pumping fuel. It turned out to be the metal line between the tank & fuel pump. It was choked solid with rust. We where along side the road. We found some bailing wire and poked it in the line and made it home. Replaced that gas line & no more trouble. Cut the old line apart and it was really clogged with rust & varnish. I like to install a wix metal filter between the tank & fuel pump. On a 60 thru 66 I put it at the back of the cab in the hose that connects the fuel line between the body and frame.