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Old 01-17-2004, 01:10 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Posts: 67
Radiator, Shroud, Seatbelts, NP203 and more!

Here are a few of the Chevy items I have for sale and need to get rid of:

Radiator from a 76 C10 (manual tranny & SBC) 2 core $25 OBO
1 piece fan shroud from same truck (SBC) has metal bracket $20
'76 C10 Brake booster and Master $45 for both
'76 Blue seatbelts for a bench seat w/ bolts $10
'76 C10 blue transmssion tunnel cover $offer
SBC aluminum bellhousing with fork and dust shield I pulled from the '76 C10 $25
Brown non-tilt steering column w/ ign. key (From a Jeep but same style as the column I pulled from the 76 C10) $25
14 Bolt drum brake set complete w/backing plates and hardware $ make offer
Rear ribbed drums pulled from '76 C10 $15 for both
8" SBC Harmonic Balancer $20
Windshield wiper motor from 76 C10 $5 OBO
T-case shifter from early 80's Blazer $15 OBO

Pics and more items can be found HERE

Shipping is extra.

I can take trades, looking for the following:
Hella 500 driving lights
1.5 ratio SBC roller rockers
Extended brake lines for 4x4 truck/blazer

Albuquerque, NM
'91 Ford Explorer and '42 Jeep w/ chevy drivetrain
No longer have my '76 C10 and '74 C20

Last edited by Brian1; 03-07-2004 at 01:05 AM.
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