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Old 09-06-2014, 09:29 PM   #11
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: northern arizona
Posts: 259
Re: Holes on Firewall?

You are very welcome.
We are happy to help others and share what we know from experience.
I live by the motto: If I do somebody a favor and they ask how they can repay me, I simply tell them that someday they will be in a position to help somebody else when it's needed, pass the favor along, and tell them to do the same thing.
I think most of the guys on the forum are pretty much that way when it comes to helping out our brothers and fellow truck owners.
And you didn't need to wish me any rain, we are having a much wetter than normal summer rainy monsoon season here.
I miss a lot of days working on my trucks due to the mud.

"Off the grid and on the seven day weekend plan"

"One person cannot know everything, but between all of us, there isn't much we don't know."
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