Re: TBI Fuel Pressure
Update. I have not installed the fuel pressure gauge as of yet because the wiring harness did not arrive until last night. However, my truck started a brand new issue on Saturday after we unloaded at the scrap yard. As we were heading to the scale to weigh out, because of traffic I pushed in the clutch and while coasting the motor stumbled and died. Then it did not re-fire for almost 30 mins. I got it restarted finally and it revved fine and sounded good so we got in line for the scale and after about 2-3 mins of sitting there idling it stumbled and died. It did not start again until after I towed it home. about an hour and half later. It was idling low again barely 500rpm. I have noticed the last few days I drove it it was idling round 500 occasionally and not around 900 like it always had. I was able to work on it some on Sunday. I decided to try different computers and all four gave the same result so I no longer thing it might be computer related. However now it doesnt want to idle sometimes and its never done this before. It fired right up on each computer but after about a 3-4 mins of idling it would stumble and die then it wouldn't start even though fuel was spraying out of the injectors and I had spark. If I sprayed some carb cleaner in the throttle body it would fire then die unless I put my foot in it and got the rpm above 1000 above that it runs great and smooth like it always has. but below 1000 rpms it will not run. Nor start on its own once it stumbles and dies. When it was idling and I touched the gas pedal to bring rpm up the engine would stumble almost miss as it came off idle. Also engine temp is no longer a factor cause now it will stumble and die only mins after start up and the temp gauge hasn't even moved yet. Once it dies then it does the no start issue it use to only do at operating temp. This is new as of Saturday as well. I feel that whatever was causing my intermittent no start is directly related to it dying and not starting on its own now. I suspected it might be a faulty idle control motor since it has been idling so low recently so I ordered one. It is still original to the throttle body so I though id give it a shot. Ive tried everything else. I am hoping to have the pressure gauge installed soon. I feel like this will give me a better idea as to what might be happening. The only code that has come up in the computer at all other than the normal code 12 was code 23 vss failure and that was after I unplugged the idle control motor to see what the engine would do. When i got it started the rpm immediately jumped to 2200 rpm ran like that for 3-4 mins without issue until i plugged the iac back in, the engine immediately died. Ive never I had that happen before when I have unplugged and plugged in the iac years ago setting the base idle. I guess I am back to the beginning on my diag again with this new issue. Hopefully I can get this figured out soon.
Thank a Veteran. They have sacrificed more than you will ever know!
2003 Chevy Z71 Tahoe 190,500 miles
2002 Chevy Silverado 1500 4x4 230,000 miles
1987 custom built Silverado 4x4 435,764 miles
1985 K5 Blazer 396 bb 4x4 project
1982 K5 Blazer Silverado 4x4 519,348 miles