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Old 09-09-2014, 05:03 PM   #10
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Tucson, AZ
Posts: 3,198
Re: Soo do you think this was a good deal or not ... ?

That truck would get $3500 easy here in AZ desert, so $4800 is a great price (did you pay shipping to you also?)

I suggest that you carefully try to use cleaner/polish on a small spot in the rear of the box to see if the paint improves. Light rubbing compound will also help if the cleaner/polish does not work. (I use a wet rag quickly over the rubbing compound before it dries, then quickly wipe off/buff the excess water with another clean cloth. I use Nu Finish as a final wax on my vehicles and use it about every 3 months (but paint bakes off quickly in the AZ sun.)

I would leave emblems and fender trim and other chrome off as much as possible - all attract dirt/rust and a clean look is more modern, IMHO.

If you need interior work - don't get any kind of dash cap - have it recovered by an upholstery shop or get a new OEM one and paint it to match. A local upholstery shop can recover the headliner cheap - same for the seat.

If the OEM seat is not a good fit for you, I recommend late model Chrysler Sebring Convertible seats because the have integral seat belts, and seat belts are a weak point on these old squares (re: intertial lock feature is iffy at best.) Make sure the Sebring seat belts work without the ignition on - the early 97-2000 (I think) required power on before the belts worked.

Nice buy.
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