Thread: 12volt starter
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Old 09-10-2014, 01:15 PM   #10
Old Crow
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Re: 12volt starter

Back when I lived in Phoenix, I had a tube frame VW dune buggy with a 6v charging system. It had so much compression I had to jump 12v to the starter to start it cold.
Rigged up a 12v battery behind the other seat, wired in a Ford starter relay and it only jumped when you turned the key to start. Had to remember to not turn the lights on before I started it, and charge the 12v battery about once a week.

Didn't know you could change the ground on the electric system and get the starter to turn the same way. Learn something new every day.
Old Crow

'54 Chevy Panel, '00 Bounder 36S, '95 Jeep YJ
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